Believe it or not but community agriculture could be where the jobs are in the future, and provide great organic food. This will in turn create more opportunities for more small businesses to be created in Houston and keep money in the community instead of it going elsewhere. As Detroit said at one point, as the manufacturing job market is getting smaller, food industry jobs are increasing.
The problem is that as most food is made through industrial means and controlled by a few as they are called, mega-corporations. This is where the majority of processed food comes from that is not good for your body. Being able to change to some kind of community-based systems is considered very difficult due to the amount of control that these mega-corporations have over the industry presently. It is almost a monopoly in a way…
Volume is critical to profitability, so farms for the most part have to be big enough to support these systems. On top of that most of the food is created thousands of miles away from the store that it is going too. So in other words what is in a regular grocery store is not always fresh or as tasty as it should be, let alone nutrients being long gone from the food due to processing.
Now, back to what was said before. Community-based systems can help to grow the local community, in both job growth and income. It is also a great source to be able to get organic food. There are many methods in place already that people like to use like for example CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) and farmers’ markets. Organic food is becoming more and more popular as people are learning about what exactly processed food is and what it can and will do to the human body, and want no part of it. There are some industrial farms that are converting over, but nowhere near enough right now. They are too stuck in their ways to change quickly over. It’s going to take time if they listen to the people.
We at Casetta Catering believe in helping to keep the body healthy through natural means. This means by cooking with organic food and products only. The healthier the food, the healthier the body.
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