College Graduation Milestones

By May 1, 2017Sharing Ideas

College Graduation

College graduation is just around the corner and is an exciting time for numerous young people beginning their adult lives.  This is an important time to remind and challenge them to represent their family name with honor, walking out towards the glorious purpose for their lives.  Here are a few ideas to consider marking this important milestone in their lives…

Public Recognition

Take time to publicly recognize your graduate.  So often a young person’s courage to step out and take risks is governed by the trust that others voice in them.  It is so very important to consider taking time, either at a family gathering or simple party, to announce your pride in your son or daughter.  They will never fail to be blessed by you taking a moment to talk about them and what they mean to you. Not sure what to say?  Do not over complicate it, but simply speak from the heart.  Just take five minutes and write a list of everything that you are proud of and the talents you see in them.  Try to recall one good story that sticks out in your mind, and ask God for the words.  Finally, keep in mind they are your children.  They bear your family name, and if for no other reason (mistakes and all) you love them because they are yours.  Nothing can ever change that!

Present a Memento for Their College Graduation

There needs to be something bringing them into remembrance of this commissioning into the world.  A small necklace, watch or ring inscribed with a family motto.  Or a scripture, possibly a single word.  Something that will bring back into focus the vision for their upcoming life may be appropriate.  It does not have to be a big momento, just something small and cherished that will go with them and stand the test of time.

Send Them out With a Letter

Send them with a letter…   Abraham Lincoln always placed a hand-written letter in the hands of those he spoke to in earnest.  This reminds them of the content of their communication and adds clarity to the message.  A simple letter may very well outlast you, becoming something that generations down the line will remember. Or it can end up in the trash can the next day.  Either way, your duty is write the letter.  The Lord will guard it and make it a sacred remembrance for your child, strengthening them as the challenges of life pour in.

Celebrate Every Day

Finally, congratulations to you!  Raising children is one of the most
difficult and challenging tasks in life.  Take time to celebrate what the Lord
has done with your spouse.  Give thanks for the grace that has gotten you
through the rough patches.  You and your children make mistakes alike but
love covers a multitude of transgressions.  This keeps you from being
offended and strengthens your family name!  Enjoy this season of life as it 
changes in chapter for you.  Thank you for all the struggles and
challenges you endured to come to this point!  God be with you and your
family always!
From the Casetta family to yours

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Author Francesco

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